Every year fans of Studio Ghibli are thrilled to see what the world renowed animation company has to offer movie-goers. Instead of dipping us in the fantasy realm, Studio Ghibli takes us by the hand back into the dramatic past in their new movie 'From Up on Poppy Hill.'

Although 'From Up on Poppy Hill' isn't a picture directed by the ever famous Hayao Miyazaki, he only co-wrote it, Goro Miyazaki is a director that you may be familiar with. If you've seen 'Tales of Earthsea,' released just a couple of years ago, then you know his work. He's still technically a newcomer to the animation scene since 'Earthsea' was his only project directed so far, but judging from the trailer Goro Miyazaki brings us through the breathtaking period of 1964 Tokyo with beauty.

'Poppy Hill' is actually the first Studio Ghibli film that will be released underneath the GKIDS arm of the company, rather than by Disney like usual. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be some drab sub section where they dump off the more kid oriented movies. This is the same sector that's promoted several astounding movies like 'Howl's Moving Castle' and 'A Cat in Paris.'

Now go ahead and watch the new trailer below:

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