You are not allowed to be a fan of both Marvel and DC. It's against the geek rules. Therefore, you should decide whether or not you like the trailer for Marvel's upcoming animated movie 'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' before you even scroll down and watch it. This is the internet and those are the rules.

In all seriousness, the realm of straight-to-DVD animated comic book adaptations has been DC's kingdom for the better part of a decade now. While Marvel currently rules the cinematic roost with the likes of 'The Avengers,' DC has been steadily building some lucrative clout among the fanboys and their equally enthusiastic children with productions like 'All-Star Superman' and 'The Dark Knight Returns.' Sure, Marvel puts out their fair share of animated product, but they've yet to topple DC. Could this be their moment? Could they use their post-'Avengers' box office to fund a full frontal assault on DC's cozy little empire? Does 'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' look any good?

Nah, not really. Unlike many of DC's recent offerings, it doesn't even try to appeal to older audiences and is strictly targeting the toddler set. And what's with that cheap, artless animation? Ugh. No thank you. But then again, maybe we're just a bunch of DC spies out there to ruin Marvel's good name! How would you know? This is the internet, after all.

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