Director Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg are tackling two devastating events in recent American history in their latest films. Following the recent Deepwater Horizon, the filmmaker and actor’s next film this year will follow the tragedy of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing in Patriots Day.

The first teaser finds Wahlberg’s Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders suiting up for work in a neon reflector vest. What the trailer handles most impressively is the moment the bombs go off. The music goes silent and the sound of explosions are only heard at a low muffle as the camera jerks in reaction. The teaser could’ve easily sensationalized the tragedy, but Berg (in the trailer at least) takes a more gentle, emotional approach to the horrors and fright of the day, followed by images of loving embraces. Here’s the full official synopsis:

In the aftermath of an unspeakable attack, Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders (Mark Wahlberg) joins courageous survivors, first responders and investigators in a race against the clock to hunt down the bombers before they strike again. Weaving together the stories of Special Agent Richard DesLauriers (Kevin Bacon), Police Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman), Sergeant Jeffrey Pugliese (J.K. Simmons) and nurse Carol Saunders (Michelle Monaghan) this visceral and unflinching chronicle captures the suspense of one of the most sophisticated manhunts in law enforcement history and celebrates the strength of the people of Boston.

Patriots Day will be scored by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, a fantastic duo when it comes to concocting emotional atmospheres. The film will open to a limited release on December 21 and goes wide on January 13, 2017. Check out the poster below.


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