
Those ‘Justice League’ Reshoots Changed the Tone of Cyborg
Those ‘Justice League’ Reshoots Changed the Tone of Cyborg
Those ‘Justice League’ Reshoots Changed the Tone of Cyborg
Productions go into reshoots for all sorts of reasons. The tooth-gnashing crowd’s favorite is that a movie has been ruled such an unmitigated disaster that the only recourse is to go back and fix it, attempting to wallpaper over the incompetence with fresh footage. But usually, the cause is more banal — such-and-such actor needs to pick up this teapot with his right hand, character X needs to be shown moving from Point A to Point B, and other matters of logistics. There was plenty of puzzling over what factors could compel the Justice League production to bring in Joss Whedon to shoot what is called “pick-up” after he wrapped up for a grief-stricken Zack Snyder, and a new interview with a cast member has shed a little light on the situation.
The Justice League Assembles For New Kotobukiya Statue Series
The Justice League Assembles For New Kotobukiya Statue Series
The Justice League Assembles For New Kotobukiya Statue Series
The DC Cinematic Universe has been building to the arrival of the Justice League, and this November that will finally happen. To celebrate the uniting of the League, Kotobukiya is releasing a complete set of all six members of the superteam in the film. The best part is, you won't have to wait long after Justice League's release to get your hands on these fine art pieces, as they start arriving just in time for the holidays.
The DCEU May Feature Flashbacks and Flash-forwards
The DCEU May Feature Flashbacks and Flash-forwards
The DCEU May Feature Flashbacks and Flash-forwards
The DCEU has had its work cut out for it from the start. It had a little bit better footing than Marvel because everyone knows who Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman are, but it still seems like Warner Bros. is trying to fit too much information into every movie so that it can prepare for the next on in the series. The most notorious example of this was the commercial smack-dab in the middle of Batman v. Superman that teased the solo movies and Justice League team-up for a bunch of new characters you never see onscreen again. Apparently, in order to tie the next bunch of films in the series together, we might be seeing flashbacks and flash-forwards in the upcoming solo adventures.
Cyborg Confirmed as the Third Mother Box in ‘Justice League’
Cyborg Confirmed as the Third Mother Box in ‘Justice League’
Cyborg Confirmed as the Third Mother Box in ‘Justice League’
Way back in Batman v. Superman, some plot stuff was introduced that may have been overshadowed by… all the other weird things that happened in that movie. BvS introduced the Mother Boxes, devices that act like super-supercomputers in possession of fantastic powers and abilities. Three Mother Boxes are hidden away on Earth: one under the sea with the Atlanteans, one with the Amazons, and one with humankind. Turns out, Cyborg, the half-human half-machine member of the team, has been confirmed as one of the Mother Boxes in Justice League.

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