And on the flipside of HBO releasing a new trailer for its gritty, down-to-Earth and hard-hitting drama 'The Newsroom,' we've got to tease ourselves with a bit of the supernatural!  And what better way to quench our thirst for new 'True Blood' than with a new "Waiting Sucks" teaser that answers one of the burning questions from last season?

Spoiler purists, ye be warned!  When last we left 'True Blood' at the end of season 4's "And When I Die", a number of mysteries were left afoot.  Who set loose Russell Edgington from his concrete tomb?  Who's going to clean Tara's brains off the wall?  And who sired Steve Newlin?  Well, thanks to the latest "Waiting Sucks' behind the scenes look at season 5, we can answer at least one of those questions!

Not Pam!  That's right, it seems in spite of being spurned by her maker for that pesky human Sookie Stackhouse, Pam wasn't the one to break Russell Edgington out of his tomb as many had theorized.  Or at least, so she says...

It seems the even numbers are the charm for giving out any useful information about the forthcoming fifth season of 'True Blood,' as the previous tease between Sam Merlotte and Luna felt awfully familiar to one we'd seen a year ago, while prior to that was the engaging look at what part Scott Foley will play in the new season.

Watch the brand new clip below, give us your theories on who freed Russell in the comments, and don’t forget to check out the all-new season of ‘True Blood’ when it debuts on Sunday, June 10 on HBO!

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