First came the buzzworthy breakout of Lifetime’s “Unauthorized” Saved By the Bell biopic, then follows the horror of a Full House behind the scenes exposé, then comes the next piece of ‘90s nostalgia to chum Lifetime’s feeding frenzy. Beverly Hills, 90210 fans, prepare yourselves for the horrifically-cast “Unauthorized” movie you never knew you never wanted.
Somewhere, Jason Priestley is counting his Old Navy money and sobbing into a pair of jeans. Yes folks, it seems that Dylan has finally won out for Kelly's heart, as former 'Beverly Hills 90210' stars Luke Perry and Jennie Garth are reuniting to develop and star in an original sitcom. But what story will the sitcom tell for the star-crossed high school lovers, and will it reunite any of the past '9
Well, we all knew this was coming. Whether or not you followed the 2012 Olympics, or merely tuned in to see the Spice Girls' glorious reunion, chances are you've heard the name Ryan Lochte floating about. Not only has the Olympic gold-medal winning swimmer set his sights on the reality TV circuit, now it seems like he's paddling his way toward scripted television as well. And what groundbreakin