We‘re now a couple days out from the incident itself, and everyone’s still trying to figure out just what in the Sam Hill happened at the Oscars on Sunday night. When Faye Dunaway wrongly named La La Land instead of Moonlight as the recipient of the Best Picture Academy Award, she created a buzzy moment and sparked a full-blown investigation as to how things could have gotten mixed up. Fingers have been pointed every which way, with the show’s producers and vote-tabulating accountants both scrambling to cover their respective hindquarters in the wake of the embarrassing gaffe. Today, however, Dunaway‘s co-presenter Warren Beatty – the man with his hand on the envelope — has offered his official response to the hubbub, and he’s decided to shift blame elsewhere.
[Bonnie and Clyde trailer voice]: They’re old, they kind of hate each other, and they read envelopes.
Since Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly announced La La Land as the recipient of the Academy Award for Best Picture on Sunday night, everyone‘s been looking for an answer as to how such a massive goof could come to pass. Blame has been passed around like a hot potato, with fault assigned to Beatty, Dunaway, some tweeting nitwit from the accounting firm that tabulates the votes, the person who lays down the envelopes, and just for good measure, a cold and uncaring god. But now the trenchant, Spotlightesque journalists at TMZ claim to have the full story behind just what went down.
A Howard Hughes biopic by Warren Beatty sounds pretty interesting. Any portrayal of the eccentric recluse and his ventures into Hollywood are enough to pique my interest. But Rules Don’t Apply is hardly a biopic on the billionaire; instead Beatty’s first directorial effort since 1998’s Bulworth is an uninteresting love story about an aspiring actress and a young driver. Toss in some uneven comedy, a creepy sex scene, some premature ejaculation, and a song Lily Collins never stops singing and you’ve got yourself one very strange movie about Howard Hughes.
We’re in a golden age of Golden Age of Hollywood movies, and Warren Beatty’s latest Rules Don’t Apply is no exception. It comes on the heels of the Coens’ Hail, Caesar! that opened earlier this year, and marks a nostalgic trend in Hollywood these days. The final trailer for Rules Don’t Apply takes us back to the days when Howard Hughes ruled the sky as well as the silver screen.
It’s been a long time since we had a new Warren Beatty movie, but the actor and director has returned with Rules Don’t Apply, the long-developing passion project in which he plays the iconic Howard Hughes. The first trailer has finally arrived for the upcoming film, which co-stars the impossibly charming Alden Ehrenreich (your new Han Solo) in what surprisingly looks like a delightful little rom-com.