Wes Anderson is known for a lot of things: An idiosyncratic and detail-oriented style, masterful use of color, nice dress socks, keeping Bill Murray employed… and killing (fictional) dogs. In 2012, following the release of Moonrise Kingdom, a New Yorker piece asked, “Does Wes Anderson Hate Dogs?” Perhaps it’s no coincidence that his latest effort, a stop-motion adventure set in Japan, is called Isle of Dogs. When you say it out loud, it sounds like “I love dogs”; the title itself refutes the notion that Anderson has it out for man’s best friend.
It’s been three years since Wes Anderson released The Grand Budapest Hotel, but fans of the director (Fandersons? Is that a thing?) will have to wait a little longer to see his next film. Isle of Dogs doesn’t hit theaters until next spring, but we’ll have the first trailer tomorrow — until then, Fox Searchlight has released a brief teaser to get you ready for Anderson’s new stop-motion animated film.
Last week, Wes Anderson (with special guest Edward Norton) released a video promoting a charity campaign for his new animated project, Isle of Dogs. Every $10 donation to Crowdrise counts as one sweepstakes entry, and gives Anderson fans (Fandersons?) the opportunity to lend their voice to the film. That’s a pretty sweet deal, but if you’ve got $10,000 laying around, you can also snag a limited edition concept art print — which just happens to give us another look at Anderson’s new animated aesthetic.
Wes Anderson popped back up last month with a charming holiday-appropriate commercial for H&M, his first new work since 2014’s The Grand Budapest Hotel. It was neat, but a pale substitute for a new feature. Fortunately, Anderson fans (or, as we’re more commonly called, Wes Fan-dersons) can take solace that his next major effort is well on its way: Anderson resurfaced today with a three-minute video in which he introduces the cast and first snippet of footage from his upcoming Isle of Dogs, a stop-motion animated project that returns to the talking-animal precocity of Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox.
This review contains basic plot details for Collateral Beauty which for some reason were not included in the movie’s trailer. If you don’t want to know the movie’s basic premise, don’t read this article. I would also recommend not seeing the movie, but that’s up to you.