Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Says The Dark Knight Trilogy Had the Perfect Ending
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Says The Dark Knight Trilogy Had the Perfect Ending
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Says The Dark Knight Trilogy Had the Perfect Ending
In today’s superhero movies there’s no such thing as a finite ending. Everything feeds into a sequel, spin-off or remake within Marvel and DC’s larger cinematic universes. Superhero franchises have become giant movie making machines where endings become teases for the next installment. But the one outlier of that cyclical trend was Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, which began before Marvel dominated movie screens.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks Politics in This ‘Snowden’ Clip
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks Politics in This ‘Snowden’ Clip
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks Politics in This ‘Snowden’ Clip
If you live in Washington, D.C., how often do you walk by the White House? It seems like an odd place to go. In the new clip from Snowden, for example, we see the two main characters on an early date as they stroll past a protest outside the White House gates. Wouldn’t this be an unnecessarily crowded and uncomfortable path to walk? I have to figure that this is the D.C. equivalent of taking your date on a walk through Times Square, something you should never, ever want to do.
‘Snowden’ Trailer: They’re Watching. They’re Always Watching
‘Snowden’ Trailer: They’re Watching. They’re Always Watching
‘Snowden’ Trailer: They’re Watching. They’re Always Watching
In some ways, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a higher-end version of James Franco but occasionally you have to wonder if we’ve allowed him to take himself a little too seriously. Take the latest trailer for Oliver Stone’s Snowden, for instance, which A.) Reminds you that this is a movie that is still coming out soon, and B.) Features one of the most baffling prestige-acting accents in recent memory.
‘Snowden’ Trailer: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tries Out Another New, Distrcting Accent
‘Snowden’ Trailer: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tries Out Another New, Distrcting Accent
‘Snowden’ Trailer: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tries Out Another New, Distrcting Accent
Edward Snowden’s story was one that was itching to be told in a glossy Hollywood thriller and director Oliver Stone, with his innate sense of paranoia, seemed like the perfect person for the job. Equally as enticing was star Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Frenchy accent in The Walk notwithstanding, is one of his generation’s best actors...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s ‘Sandman’ Lands a Horror Writer
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s ‘Sandman’ Lands a Horror Writer
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s ‘Sandman’ Lands a Horror Writer
And in news from the darker corner of DC’s movie universe, we finally have another update on Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Sandman film, based on Neil Gaiman’s beloved graphic novel series. Although David Goyer developed the treatment for the film, Gordon-Levitt has been searching for the perfect writer to tackle the screenplay, and it appears that he’s found someone quite familiar with horror.
Oliver Stone’s ‘Snowden’ Release Pushed Back...Again
Oliver Stone’s ‘Snowden’ Release Pushed Back...Again
Oliver Stone’s ‘Snowden’ Release Pushed Back...Again
Last year Open Road films pushed the release date of Oliver Stone’s Snowden back from Christmas, where it would have had to compete with Star Wars: The Force Awakens and a handful of Oscar contenders, to May 2016. That wasn’t exactly a vote of confidence for the film based on the life of famed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, and it would have forced Stone’s latest to contend with Captain America: Civil War. Snowden will no longer have to worry about Marvel, as the film has once again been pushed back, this time to early fall.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Dressed Like Yoda at the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Premiere
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Dressed Like Yoda at the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Premiere
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Dressed Like Yoda at the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Premiere
At long last, the screenings of Star Wars: the Force Awakens have begun to gradually trickle down through the populace. Last night in Los Angeles, the most beautiful and famous among us had the privilege of bearing witness to J.J. Abrams’ go at a seventh installment of the treasured sci-fi franchise...
‘The Night Before’ Releases NSFW Opening Sequence
‘The Night Before’ Releases NSFW Opening Sequence
‘The Night Before’ Releases NSFW Opening Sequence
As shown in the trailers for The Night Before, Jonathan Levine's latest film centers on best friends played by Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony Mackie, who attempt to have the most booze-soaked, drug-fueled final Christmas hurrah before their responsibilities get in the way. But there's a little more to the plot than just that. MTV has released the NSFW opening sequence from the upcoming comedy, which features some poetic narration from Tracy Morgan and sets up the film's premise.

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