Depending on how you feel about Michael Bay and / or the DC Comics character Lobo, the idea of the former directing a movie about the latter is kind of perfect — either because they’re both awful, or because Lobo, a giant blue-skinned alien bounty hunter ripped from the cover of an Iron Maiden album, is right in Bay’s explosive, in-your-face wheelhouse. Regardless of your personal feelings on the matter, Michael Bay might be directing his very first superhero movie, and of course it’s for DC Films.
DC likes to keep it in the family, it would seem. The Wrap reports that Jason Fuchs, the pen behind the script for 2017’s planned Wonder Woman solo film, has now signed on to write the impending vehicle for DC’s extraterrestrial hellraiser Lobo. Though the man’s track record isn’t exactly spotless, having most recently been responsible for whatever the hell Pan thought it was doing, DC has faith that he won’t royally Fuchs this one up as well and has entrusted him with what could be another major franchise.
Lost in the hustle and bustle of all this Comic Con madness over the last few days was this little nugget of news from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson regarding those rumors about his starring role in a 'Lobo' adaptation.
We know that Warner Bros. Pictures has been itching to get the DC Universe launched properly on film, but we didn't expect 'Lobo' to be the next character they picked to bring to the screen. And we're a little confused about who they chose to direct the movie as well.