Prospects are increasingly bleak for American Gods Season 2, especially after Gillian Anderson left the series behind showrunners Bryan Fuller and Michael Green. Now, Starz admits they’re having trouble filling the slots, but may come to an arrangement with Fuller, Green and creator Neil Gaiman for future seasons.
If Starz’s American Gods had to part ways with showrunners Bryan Fuller and Michael Green, novel writer Neil Gaiman would be high on the list of acceptable replacements. That may not come to pass, but there’s some good news that could place Season 2 in line for a 2018 premiere after all.
It was one thing to see David Tennant and Michael Sheen sporting dye jobs for Amazon and Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens, but it’s quite another to see them in costume. Meet Crowley and Aziraphale in a fresh photo from the 2018 limited series based on Terry Pratchett’s work!
Now that Amazon and Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens has the heavenly casting of David Tennant and Michael Sheen under its belt, hell is officially breaking loose. Table reads have begun for the 2018 limited series based on Terry Pratchett’s work, so sneak a peek at Tennant and Sheen’s new looks!
By now, you’re totally hooked on the TV series American Gods, based on the book of the same name by Neil Gaiman. But did you know that before the show wound up at Starz, it was almost a series on HBO? It’s true; the cable channel first had interest in the property around 2011, but it took six years for the show to make it to the air on Starz. That’s just one of the facts packed into the latest episode of the ScreenCrush series You Think You Know TV?
It’s a big year for Nicole Kidmaniacs (just something I’m trying out), and Big Little Lies was just the opening act. The actress has four projects screening at Cannes this year: Sofia Coppola’s The Beguiled, the second season of Jane Campion’s Top of the Lake, Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Killing of a Sacred Deer and How to Talk to Girls at Parties. You’ll have a Nicole Kidman for every occasion, but perhaps none cooler than the one featured in John Cameron Mitchell’s adaptation of the Neil Gaiman short story. As you can see in the first teaser, Kidman’s about to get real rowdy y’all.
Far be it for Starz to make Neil Gaiman and Bryan Fuller’s American Gods a one-and-done. Two episodes into the first season, Starz confirms a Season 2 renewal for the godly new drama to premiere next year.
At long last, Neil Gaiman’s American Gods finally made it to the screen with Sunday’s Starz premiere, faithfully representing Shadow Moon, Mr. Wednesday and many others. Sure, there were changes here and there, but as Gaiman himself reveals, there was at least one tweak of the source material he’d step in front of a bus before agreeing to.
Starz’s ‘American Gods’ brings Neil Gaiman’s odyssey to life with a dreamily perfect cast, but occasionally gets distracted in service of its extensive lore. Our early review, before the Bryan Fuller drama enters “The Bone Orchard” on April 30.