After the brilliance of The Leftovers, it’s hard to be mad about Damon Lindelof tackling something as sacred (to most comic book fans) as Watchmen. As evidenced by yesterday’s lengthy Instagram post, Lindelof is gearing up for production on his latest HBO endeavor, and today brings word of the first official casting news for the upcoming series — which, by the way, is not a direct adaptation.
If Netflix can bring David Letterman back to TV, you can bet they’d have a good shot at landing the Coen brothers. The revered directing pair have officially joined Netflix as the home of new western anthology series The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, set for a 2018 premiere.
Remember Crash? Like several of its other Best Picture-winning brethren, Crash is a film that no one has really thought about since it won the Oscar (like The King’s Speech…and The Artist…), but Anesthesia remembers it very well. The new film from actor / director Tim Blake Nelson has debuted a trailer, featuring Kristen Stewart, Corey Stoll, and several other very likable people whom you often enjoy in other films. So what happens when you put them together in an interconnected narrative about humanity…or something…? See for yourself.
Though the major roles in the reboot of 'Fantastic Four' have been filled, the movie must do some world-building to set up the film's already dated sequel. So it's no surprise that Tim Blake Nelson is joining the cast of the film to play Harvey Elder, who will eventually (though not in the first film) become the Mole Man.
Although it doesn't open in wide release until next week, Steven Spielberg's 'Lincoln' has already started gaining traction as a major Oscar contender, with Daniel Day-Lewis' performance as the sixteenth President of the United States being one of the most talked about roles of the year. However, Day-Lewis is supported by one of the deepest character actor benches in recent memory and two new clip