The logo is being removed to protect filmmakers who don’t want their work tainted by the news of multiple sexual harassment allegations leveled against former Weinstein chief Harvey Weinstein.
Tulip Fever exists. Totally. We promise. In fact, it exists so much that its bodice-ripper of a Red Band trailer was just released today, even though the release was pushed back for a third (or is it fourth?) time earlier this week. As if to apologize, The Weinstein Company released a very sexy trailer today that you definitely don’t want to watch in your office on your lunch break.
The Weinstein Company sure did pick a clever time to release the trailer for Tulip Fever, capitalizing on today’s news of Alicia Vikander’s casting as Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider reboot. The Oscar-winning actress stars in the studio’s seductive new period drama opposite Christoph Waltz and Dane DeHaan, and judging by the trailer, it looks like she’s playing a 17th century Dutch version of F—, Marry, Kill.