If the final box office haul of ‘The Expendables 3’ is anything to go by, you probably didn’t see the third film in Sylvester Stallone‘s “old guys blow stuff up for two hours” series. However, that won’t stop you from enjoying a new gag reel from the film, which is noteworthy because it features some of the biggest names in modern Hollywood goofing off, exchanging terrible jokes, and generally acting like children. Yes siree, this is a masterpiece among gag reels.

Oh sure, there are the typical gag reel moments. Like when Mel Gibson‘s prop gun doesn’t go off and everyone laughs because film sets can be tense places and everyone probably could have used a chuckle or two. And then there are moments where Kelsey Grammer gets mock-angry at the director for giving him specific direction about where to hold a notebook and it’s funny because “Haha! Look at Frasier Crane say the f-word!

But the whole thing really comes to life when grumpy ‘ol Harrison Ford enters the picture and acts exactly how you’d hope grumpy ‘ol Harrison Ford would act. When he forgets the name of Mel Gibson’s character, he begins exchanging terrible dad jokes with Stallone before ultimately asking him to “shut the f—k up” so he can work. If that wasn’t enough, there’s a moment were Ford (looking ever-so-slightly stoned) starts to lose his voice while piloting a fake helicopter in front of a green screen. The noises he makes while trying to regain his composure are worth the price of admission alone.

Of course, all of this exists to hype the impending Blu-ray release of ‘The Expendables 3’ next week. Still, we can’t help but think this is probably better than anything that made it into the finished movie.

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