Sony Wants a Female Version of ‘21 Jump Street’
Sony is quickly becoming the home of the all-female version of a popular male-centric franchise. They’ve already got their woman-driven reboot of Ghostbusters with the all-star (and all-lady) cast of Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon, and now, per The Tracking Board, they’re adding a 21 Jump Street spinoff that will center on the fairer sex.
The site claims that this new film is “in the works at Sony,” with Broad City writers Lucia Aniello and Paul Downs hired to write the screenplay “based on the tone” of the current 21 Jump Street film series starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum as a pair of lovably dopey cops who go undercover in high schools and colleges and then accidentally take drugs, go to prom together, and occasionally solve crimes. There’s no details on casting yet, though it’s worth noting that the first Hill and Tatum film featured a rival undercover cop, Fugazy, played by 50 Shades of Grey’s Dakota Johnson. With Johnson’s star on the rise, a Fugazy spinoff might make sense.
What’s a little less clear is why Sony’s employing such a “separate but equal” strategy when it comes to these big action franchises. Is there some secret rule of moviemaking that says men must be in one film and women must be in another? The cast of the new Ghostbusters is fantastic, and the cast of this 21 Jump Street spinoff could be great as well, and it’s great to see women getting to play more central roles in these big blockbusters. But what’s the big deal about bringing them into existing series? Why do they have to be off on their own? Why can’t there a be a mismatched pair of buddy cops where one’s a guy and one’s a gal? That seems like a pretty good setup for a pair of mismatched buddy cops to me. Apparently, they’re so mismatched they need to star in separate movies.
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