Alison Brie Nude at College; In a Related Story, College is Awesome
For all you high school seniors about to head off to college after this summer, you may be nervous about the new experience or sad that you're leaving your hometown friends behind, but let me tell you this: college is awesome. You will have a lot of fun. And if you're anything like the students at The California Institute of the Arts, you'll get to see 'Community' star Alison Brie walk around naked.
Last night, Brie was a guest on 'Conan' where she regaled the host with some charming stories of her days as a college student at CalArts in the early 2000s. As she describes the school when she attended there: "Clothing is optional...everywhere."
Do tell.
She explains that most people would use the lax rules on nudity for artistic purposes, she would use it for an entirely different purpose.
"You would put on just your sneakers and jog naked through campus?" asks Conan. To which Brie replies (get your mental imaging systems ready), "Yes."
She also described how, to cheer up her roommate one time when she was depressed, she got naked, climbed out their dorm room window and starting swinging from a nearby tree.
And this, dear graduating seniors, is what goes on at college (if you're really, really lucky). Watch Alison Brie describe her entire nude college history in this clip from last night's 'Conan.'
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