Charlie Sheen Talks Angus T. Jones Again, Calls ‘Men’ “Hive of Opression””
You'd think that with 'Two and a Half Men' star Angus T. Jones' major mea culpa yesterday over the hurtful nature of his religious rants against the series, there wouldn't be all that much more to say on the matter, but ours is a world where Charlie Sheen has tiger blood-fueled thougnts and a microphone at the ready. Indeed, the disgraced 'Men' star is at it again, offering personal thoughts on his former co-star's "emotional tsunami," and dragging Chuck Lorre into the mix. So what's Sheen saying now?
Yesterday, People Magazine (and people in general) actually found themselves surprised that former 'Two and a Half Men' star had enough restraint not to comment on Angus T. Jones' religious outburst until sometime after the "Forerunner Chronicles" videos went viral. Well, the time for surprise has passed us by, as now Sheen is at it again, even after Jones himself issued a heartfelt apology for his words.
"Obviously, not having been there for some time, the Angus T. Jones that I knew and still love is not the same guy I saw on YouTube yesterday," Sheen tells TMZ. "I dare anyone to spend 10 years in the laugh-track that is Chuck Lorre's hive of oppression and not suffer some form of an emotional tsunami."
As fans no doubt remember, Sheen's very public swipes at 'Two and a Half Men' showrunner and sitcom magnate Chuck Lorre represented one side of the multi-faceted jewel that was the actor's controversial exit from the series, and subsequent replacement with Ashton Kutcher. Jones himself won't appear in the next few 'Men' episodes, though by pure coincidence of the writing rather than a reaction to the rants.
We'll bring you more as the story develops, but what say you? Is Charlie only adding fuel to the fire?
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