Rotten Tomatoes is hardly the very best way to gauge the quality of any given movie — the best way, of course, would be to see it for yourself, and the second-best way is reading reviews. But Tomatometer scores are important advertising tools, and fresh ones are a big draw for audiences. Don’t expect to see any scores pop up early for this week’s Justice League: while the social media embargo was lifted last week, and the review embargo ends early tomorrow morning at 2:50 am ET, the Rotten Tomatoes score won't be revealed Thursday, the day the movie opens.

The delayed reveal is part of Rotten Tomatoes’ new Facebook show See It/Skip It, which reveals movies’ scores the day before they open, which RT also did with Bad Moms Christmas. Justice League’s Tomatometer score will be revealed at 12:01 AM EST on Thursday morning.

It’s a bit of an odd move for a movie as big a deal as this one, and is a little worrisome for fans who are hopeful that Justice League will continue Wonder Woman’s winning streak. Audiences eager to see the movie can still read reviews on Wednesday, but we’ll all have to wait for a more quantitative description of the movie’s quality. Stay tuned for ScreenCrush's review of the film, dropping before the sun rises tomorrow.

Gallery – DC Movie Easter Eggs:


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