Using a stolen Sports Almanac from the future in 'Back to the Future Part II,' Biff Tannen places bets on sports games where he already knows the outcome and accrues quite the fortune for himself. At one point in the film, Biff comments that Florida won the World Series in 1997, and the Florida Marlins actually did win the World Series in 1997 in real life. 'Back to the Future Part II' was released in 1987, and Florida didn't even have a baseball team at that time, so basically the movie predicted the future.

True or False? Totally false. The rumor began in 1997 when the Marlins won the World Series, and thanks to a little place called "the internet," people believed it. But the origin of the myth comes from the moment when Marty, in the year 2015, sees a news report that the Chicago Cubs have beaten an unnamed Miami team (who have a gator as their mascot) in the World Series. Biff never comments on a 1997 game, and there is never mention of Florida beating anyone. It's completely fabricated information. The 'Back to the Future' movies are awesome, but they weren't prescient -- keep waiting for those hoverboards.

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