Sean Penn is in talks to helm 'Crazy for the Storm' for Warner Brothers, which is based on the memoirs by Norman Ollestad, which tells Ollestad's true story of being the sole survivor of a plane crash.

What makes the story even more amazing is that Ollestad was eleven and the time, and the crash killed his father. It's easy to see why Warner Brothers would want Penn for the subject matter as he did something similar in his last movie, 2007's 'Into the Wild.' This news comes from Variety.

Penn may have spent the 1980's as a notorious "bad boy" for wrecking paparazzi cameras and being married to Madonna, but he's matured into one of the most respected actors in the business, and has two Oscars on his shelf. His work as a director is less celebrated, but he has a good eye and always has an interesting take on material. Arguably 'Into the Wild' is his finest directorial achievement, but - at least in terms of awards - it came out in a year of a number of masterpieces (including 'No Country for Old Men' and 'There Will be Blood').

As Penn is in talks, this could fall apart, but we'll keep you posted.

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