Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Seven strangers, each with their own secrets and baggage, staying under one roof. Watch what happens when people stop being polite…and start getting real. No, sorry, it’s not The Real World — it’s Bad Times at the El Royale, and there’s a brand spankin’ new trailer for Drew Goddard’s thriller, which boasts one hell of an ensemble cast. And also Chris Hemsworth shirtless in the rain. Just sayin’.
Are movie trailer editors big Stomp fans?
You know Stomp: The long-running theatrical show where performers make music out of everyday objects like garbage cans, brooms, and matchsticks. More and more, movie trailers — particularly for action films and big blockbusters — resemble movie adaptations of Stomp, with the actors and their props (most often guns, but also knives, cars, bombs, and a varie