Joel Schumacher’s Batman & Robin will go down in history as one of the worst superhero movies ever made, and twenty years after its release, Schumacher himself is very much aware that he messed up. He also wants the fans to know that he really is very sorry about the whole thing. Well, almost. He’s not sorry about the bat-nips.
If you’ve seen a Batman movie, you can tell that rubber suit is heavy. It’s obvious by the way the actors lumber around in that thing. But did you know that George Clooney’s Bat-suit in Batman & Robin weighed 90 pounds? The cape alone tipped the scales at 40 pounds. The thing was so hard to get in and out of that George Clooney urinated inside it on more than one occasion when nature called. Holy incontinence, Batman! That’s just one of the facts that’s guaranteed not to piss you off in the newest episode of You Think You Know Movies!
Among many, many other things, Joel Schumacher’s Batman and Robin featured a very special cameo: Coolio was the overseer of that random street race Batgirl was involved in, and he revealed recently that he agreed to cameo because he wanted a part in the next Batman film. Namely, he wanted to play Scarecrow. Unfortunately, Batman and Robin was, well, quite bad, and the fifth installment in that Batman series never got made.
We've been under a deluge of comic book movies for what seems like decades. The frequency at which our favorite characters like Spider-Man, Hellboy and the Hulk are appearing on the silver screen has increased tremendously since the early aughts, and so has the desire to take a part of these movies home with us.
Though the prop replica market has definitely seen a drastic increase in volume over the past few years, there's nothing quite like owning a piece of the real thing. We did some digging to see just what kind of comic book film memorabilia was currently setting the internet auction house aflame.
A great movie villain can elevate the hero and his journey. A great villain is the key to conflict, and conflict fuels an effective story, and an effective story is what allows a movie to linger on long after a movie has finished screening. This is all especially true in the realm of the superhero movie, where characters who can do impossible things need a bad guy who can realistically threaten them. All of the truly great superhero movies have a villain who balances the heroes, a sinister force who gives them something to fight.
This list is not about those guys. It’s about the other guys. The ones that suck.