Not only was 2015 a great year for film, but it might have been a more consistently great year for television — so much so that it was impossibly difficult to choose just 10 shows from a list that began with about 15. As such, I want to give honorable mention to a few of the series that would have been included if this were a longer list: Tina Fey’s remarkable new Netflix comedy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, the final (half?) season of Mad Men, the incomparably hilarious and relatable Broad City, the dizzying and dangerous journey of The Jinx, another delightful season of Orange Is the New Black, the final outing of Parks and Recreation and the reliably enthralling Game of Thrones. Oh, and Difficult People! How could I forget Billy Eichner and Julie Klausner’s wonderfully biting Hulu series? See. It was an excellent year.
It was a great year for movies. One of the best in recent memory, in fact, with enough outstanding films to fill three or four top ten lists. But the good in any artistic medium will always be outweighed by the bad, and even as it seems like the number of potential classics grows every year, the number of certified stinkers grows as well. Exponentially; there’s enough cinematic turd burgers from the last twelve months to fill seven or eight top ten lists.
Peak TV is the name of the game for 2015, with hundreds of scripted series crowding the landscape from the Marvel empire, to the Scottish countryside, and a galaxy far, far away. Join ScreenCrush TV critic Kevin Fitzpatrick to cut through all the clutter, and rank the very Best TV Shows of 2015!
Lists can be extremely useful, especially when you need to get organized, go grocery shopping or break down all the ways Jon Snow will return on Game of Thrones (very important). I like those kinds of lists, as the many Post-Its littered across my desk (and Macbook and iPhone) will show you. But making a Top 10 for the best movies of the year is a whole other monster, a film writer’s Sophie’s Choice. For someone as ridiculously indecisive as myself, it took days to finalize the final spots on this list.
There are just too many good movies. That’s my takeaway from this year’s annual exercise in critical masochism selecting the ten best films. My shortlist of 2015’s best movies is anything but short; running well over 30 outstanding entries. It feels like something I say every year, but it’s true; there are more great movies left off my list (like Clouds of Sils Maria and Experimenter and Brooklyn and Heaven Knows What and While We’re Young and about 20 others) than are actually on it. I actively agonized over the last couple slots for hours. (Yes, actual hours. I’m sorry, It Follows.)
With the smell of Christmas trees and Star Wars buzz in the air, it’s time to look back on the best and worst of 2015. ScreenCrush kicked off our countdowns this week with a ranking of the year’s best posters and now we’re breaking down the best movie trailers.
It’s December; time to start putting a bow on the year at the movies. Over the next days and weeks here at ScreenCrush, we’ll be ranking the best and worst of 2015, and we’re kicking things off right where, with our list of the coolest posters of the year.
The good movies are supposed to come out in the second half of the year. January through June, that’s the dumping ground; the crap that was so toxic it had to get buried in the winter, followed by the empty-headed excitement of summer blockbuster season.