Chris Pratt

'Guardians of the Galaxy' Poster Lines Up New Band of Heroes
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Poster Lines Up New Band of Heroes
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Poster Lines Up New Band of Heroes
After debuting the first official trailer and a slew of "meet the cast" featurettes comes the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' poster, which lines up the principal cast members of Marvel's ambitious new cinematic universe installment. So, let's go ahead and actually meet the cast.
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer Guide
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer Guide
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer Guide
Did you catch the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' trailer? If not, then what are you doing?! Go watch that first and meet back here in about three minutes. If you did, congratulations, you enjoyed the trailer for looks like one of the craziest superhero movies ever...
Watch First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer
Watch First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer
Watch First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer
At long last, the first 'Guardians of the Galaxy' trailer is online, leaving behind Marvel's Earth- and Asgard-bound heroes in favor of an intergalactic band of misfits. We've already seen a few preview bits from the film through photos and 15 seconds of footage, but here's our first full look at Marvel's venture into space.
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Teases New Pics, Trailer Tomorrow!
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Teases New Pics, Trailer Tomorrow!
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Teases New Pics, Trailer Tomorrow!
It's all happening! Marvel's 'Guardians of the Galaxy' is dropping a trailer ... tomorrow night! That's right, after months of waiting, we'll finally get a full trailer for James Gunn's upcoming adaptation of the Marvel comic, and to tide you over until then, the studio has released some new photos featuring the intergalactic heroes, including one very popular talking raccoon.
'The LEGO Movie' Review
'The LEGO Movie' Review
'The LEGO Movie' Review
"Everything is Awesome!" Much has been said about our recent cinema kowtowing to nerds. From the massive success of 'The Avengers' to the ill-fated sci-fi odes of 'Paul.' (Anyone remember 'Paul?') The nerds have won. But whither the spaz? Take a moment to remember the spaz. The hyperactive, highly-excitable enthusiast who can barely stay in one place for longer than sixty seconds and mak
WATCH: 'The LEGO Movie' Debuts 9 Clips
WATCH: 'The LEGO Movie' Debuts 9 Clips
WATCH: 'The LEGO Movie' Debuts 9 Clips
Chris Pratt is a mini-figure living in the not-so-mini world of 'The LEGO Movie,' which brings together some of your favorite LEGO characters to life on the big screen and gives them the voices of Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Liam Neeson and more! Warner Bros. has released a batch of nine new clips from the animated film so you can preview all the silly humor one can expect from a movie starring
'Delivery Man' Review
'Delivery Man' Review
'Delivery Man' Review
To be a heart-on-your-sleeve weepie in 2013, you've got to have some far-fetched gimmick. 'About Time' has time travel, 'Safe Haven' had ghosts and 'Delivery Man' has Vince Vaughn as an anonymous sperm donor hunted down by hundreds of his young-adult offspring. The mechanics of the plot are so ludicrous that audiences should be forgiven for shouting, “No, sorry, it wouldn't work that way!” back at
Will Chris Pratt go 'Jurassic?'
Will Chris Pratt go 'Jurassic?'
Will Chris Pratt go 'Jurassic?'
The two names that have popped up most as the contenders for the lead roles in 'Jurassic World' have been Bryce Dallas Howard and Josh Brolin. But while Howard recently confirmed her involvement, it appears that Brolin won't be making a trip to Isla Nubar, and his shoes may be filled by Chris Pratt.

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