‘The Girl Who Played With Fire’ Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in Autumn
America had such big plans for the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo franchise, once upon a time. The English translation of the first novel sold like Swedish hotcakes, then David Fincher’s film adaptation earned raves from critics, cleaned up at the box-office (nothing like a little rape and sadism to lighten up the holiday season), and picked up five Oscar nominations with one win. A franchise seemed all but assured, and yet nothing came together. Fincher and star Rooney Mara eventually lost interest, and while Sony plans to take over the material with a new cast and creative team, it looks like Dragon-mania was just one of those weird national crazes. Like Jersey Shore, but easier to watch.
As further evidence that Larsson’s ultra-bleak crime series has now settled into a second life as a niche item, it’ll get the ultimate geek-object treatment with a new graphic novel adaptation. The Hollywood Reporter has the scoop that The Girl Who Played With Fire will get a glossy comic-book treatment, following the same revival of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo earlier this year. The 68-page book, to be released through Titan Comics and Hard Case Crime, retells the dark and twisty story of Lisbeth Salander’s flight from the authorities after being wrongfully accused of a triple-murder. It falls to Mikael Blomkvist, dauntless journalist and crackerjack detective, to clear her good name.
The new comic will hit shelves on September 6, and some handsome samples of the art can be perused over on THR’s page. Alongside the likes of Spider-Man and Batman on newsstands, there’s a new superhero, and her powers are having no remorse about using violence and really, really hating rapists. Excelsior?