‘The Raid 2′ Trailer: The First Bloody Footage From Gareth Evans’ Sequel
Gareth Evans' first 'The Raid 2' trailer gives us more than a little perspective on his highly anticipated sequel to his martial-arts film success. As our leading man, Rama (played by Iko Uwais), prepares to infiltrate a crime syndicate, he's already showing us a little of what's to come in terms of kicking ass.
The first film in this planned Indonesian martial-arts trilogy, 'The Raid: Redemption,' saw Rama and his team going up against a 30-story-building full of a drug lord's henchmen in order to reach the man himself. Now, as the 'The Raid 2' trailer (via Twitch Film) previews, the sequel picks up a mere two hours after the first one ends, and Rama must go undercover in a dangerous Jakarta crime syndicate to uncover the corruption in his police force while protecting his family in the process.
'Redemption' was a surprise hit when it debuted and racked up recognitions from the Toronto International Film Festival, SXSW and more. Sony Pictures Classics, which distributed the first film, was recently announced to handle domestic distribution for 'The Raid 2: Berandal,' along with Stage 6 FIlms.
'The Raid 2' is expected to be released in 2014.
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