ScreenCrush wraps up the latest in movies and TV you might have missed. Today, take a look at the main villain in 'Despicable Me 2,' learn who else is reuniting with Christopher Nolan for 'Interstellar' and see a bizarre combination of baseball and...'Star Wars'?!

- Behold El Macho, the main villain in the upcoming 'Despicable Me 2.'


- The trials and tribulations of minimal movie posters. []

- Check out some exclusive new images from 'World War Z.' [Moviefone]

- A terrific interview with 'The East' star Ellen Page. [Next Movie]

- This Cosplay Clash will give you your weekend dosage of awesome cosplay. [Arcade Sushi]

- If only all movie posters were as gorgeous as this one for 'The Kings of Summer'...

CBS Films
CBS Films

- Composer Hans Zimmer will reunite with Christopher Nolan on 'Interstellar.' [Collider]

- Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey have officially left 'American Idol.' [StarCrush]

- Tom Wilkinson has joined the thriller 'Good People.' [Coming Soon]

- Here's the first image from the live-action remake of 'Kiki's Delivery Service.'

- See what happens when a baseball team has a 'Star Wars' Night.

- And finally, there's nothing quite like a red-band (NSFW) trailer for a movie called 'Frankenstein's Army' on a Sunday afternoon...

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