ScreenCrush wraps up the latest in movies and TV you might have missed. Today, Saoirse Ronan spills some details on 'The Host' and how to properly pronounce her name, the latest TV spot for 'Scary Movie 5' hits the web, Jim Carrey pokes fun at gun enthusiasts, set photos from 'The Monuments Men' hit, and more!

- Saoirse Ronan reveals how to properly pronounce her name. [Moviefone]

- WATCH: There's a 'Monster in Paris.' []

- Why Leonardo da Vinci is now the new Batman. []

- What if guns in movies were replaced with Nerf guns? [NextMovie]

Movie Guns Nerf

- WATCH: Jim Carrey pokes fun at hardcore gun enthusiasts. [StarCrush]

- Check out George Clooney & Matt Damon on the set of 'Monuments Men.' [Coming Soon]

- New pics from Netflix series 'Hemlock Grove.' [Collider]

- Watch: 'Star Trek' logo floats in the sky for Earth hour in London. [Cinema Blend]

- WATCH: Latest 'Scary Movie 5' TV spot. [Fandango]

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