ScreenCrush wraps up the latest in movies and TV you might have missed. Today, check out the first clip from 'Divergent,' read how 'The Wolf of Wall Street' is like 'Goodfellas' and learn which amazing Korean thriller is getting remade.

- Here's the first clip from the hotly anticipated 'Divergent.'

- 10 things to know about 'American Hustle.' [Moviefone]

- The writer of 'The Wolf of Wall Street' compares it to 'Goodfellas.' []

- Is Gran Turismo 6 worth your hard-earned money? [Arcade Sushi]

- The superb 'I Saw the Devil' is getting an American remake. [The Wrap]

- Here's the cover for the latest effort from the creator of Scott Pilgrim. [Comics Alliance]

- Abs! Swords! Blood! Another '300: Rise of an Empire' poster!

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

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