ScreenCrush wraps up the latest in movies and TV you might have missed. Today, watch a clip from the upcoming extended edition of 'The Hobbit,' check out some movie parodies from 'The Simpsons' and catch a new glimpse of Mystique.

- Watch a clip from the upcoming extended edition of 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.'

- 5 movies Neil Patrick Harris can't wait to see. [Moviefone]

- The 5 most forgettable Denzel Washington action movies. []

- Every movie reference in seasons 6-10 of 'The Simpsons.' [Next Movie]

- 25 astonishing video game moments. [Arcade Sushi]

- Ethan Hawke will reunite with his 'Hamlet' director for 'Cymbeline.' [Deadline]

- 15 GIFs that prove you are George Costanza. [TheFW]

- 7 memorable movie hookers. [GuySpeed]

- Watch Kristen Stewart give the paparazzi a piece of her mind. [StarCrush]

- Check out the weirdest Batman/Superman team-up of all time. [Comics Alliance]

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