ScreenCrush wraps up the latest in movies and TV you might have missed. Today, Comics Alliance gives us the best "Top 10" list so far, we get a new glimpse of 'The Lego Movie,' and more 'Fantastic Four' news hits.

- Top 10 Linkbait Top 10 Lists ComicsAlliance Could've Done But Didn't. [ComicsAlliance]

- Meet President Business, Will Ferrell's character in 'The Lego Movie.'

- Check out a gallery of the craziest movie-themed Halloween costumes. [Moviefone]

- The 50 greatest horror movie posters of all time. []

- The 10 biggest Sony fails. [Arcade Sushi]

- Miles Teller confirms 'Fantastic Four' rumors. [Fandango]

- Sofia Boutella has joined the comic book adaptation 'The Secret Service.' [Deadline]

- The latest 'Frozen' clip features the Abominable Snowman.

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