After Joseph Gordon-Levitt became a hit with 'The Dark Knight Rises' and for all intents and purposes was our new Robin Boy Wonder, he starred in a little time-travel flick known as 'Looper.' Loopers are these sci-fi assassins who are waiting in a past time period to take out their targets sent to them from the future. Mr. Levitt played the younger self of Bruce Willis' Joe, who is sent back in time as Levitt's next target, which if performed would "close the loop."

We interviewed director Rian Johnson a while back, and in regards to this transformation, he said, "We decided to do physical prosthetics and we just adjusted a few features, but really the thing that gives the illusion that they look alike is Joe’s performance, I think — his mannerisms, his voice, the way he carries himself." (Click here to read more about the process and 'Looper.')

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