Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Has Been Turned Into an Alan Rickman Memorial
It’s been one full day now since the news of Alan Rickman’s passing first surfaced, and while that may be the regulation time period for mourning, say, a casual work acquaintance or distant relative, many are still stinging over the loss of this esteemed actor. While the truest expression of fandom for Rickman would be to self-immolate and leap off of Los Angeles’ Fox Plaza (the stand-in for Die Hard’s fictional Nakatomi Plaza), other hardcore fans have found a sweeter and less potentially injurious way of showing their gratitude for the rich body of work the delectably arch Brit left behind.
Boy wizard Harry Potter and the magical institution of Hogwarts are pure fiction, but the train station of King’s Cross through which he annually travels on his way to another year of school is quite real. Because Harry Potter and his school chums pass through platform 9 3/4, a hidden portal wedged between platforms 9 and 10, on their way to the Hogwarts Express, the folks at King’s Cross had already fused half of a shopping cart into the brick to mimic the look of magical passage, in a tribute to the phenomenally popular series of young-adult fantasy novels. Rickman devotees laid various offerings to Rickman’s restful spirit on the partially-obscured shopping cart, including flowers and scarves. Below are a couple photos from Twitter users who visited the memorial early yesterday, getting a visual on an unexpectedly touching display of public grief.
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