As we live, so must we die. Well, some of us anyway. But where day in and day out we get to talk about what shows return to the air or slowly churn their way out of Hollywood development, some just don't have the cannolis to make it in this crazy world. So dies the first death of the season, as CBS has decided to pull the plug on its plucky Jersey lawyer drama, 'Made in Jersey.' We confess to never having watched a single episode, but we're not surprised either. So what will take its place?

The first cancellation of the season has officially hit, somewhat surprisingly from the highest-rated network of the bunch. According to Deadline, CBS has opted to pull the plug on 'Made in Jersey,' after only two episodes.  For the time being at least, 'CSI: NY' will move up to Fridays at nine, with 'Undercover Boss' joining the lineup in a few weeks.

'Jersey' premiered to some noticeably weak ratings for the network, 7.7 million viewers and a small 1.1 rating among adults 18-49.  In its second week, that number fell even further to 0.8.

Well, we certainly never bothered to tune in, but no one likes to see people out of work. FOX's 'The Mob Doctor' may soon find itself on the chopping block as well, but we'll shed no tears either.

Did you watch 'Made in Jersey?'  Are you sad to see it cancelled so quickly?

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