‘Elementary’ Releases New Photo of Bored Sherlock
Audiences everywhere are only a few months away from deducing the quality of CBS' new modern-day Sherlock Holmes adaptation 'Elementary,' and even the lucky few at Comic-Con 2012 this week will get an extra sneak peek at the Jonny Lee Miller / Lucy Liu-starring series. But in case you won't be around to make the panel, how would you like a first-look at the original dynamic duo in action?
Boy, do they look bored. Entertainment Weekly has unveiled one of the first official photos of the forthcoming CBS Sherlock Holmes adaptation 'Elementary,' and it's...well, they seem to have some spare time. The photo depicts Lui's Joan Watson (yes, a girl) lounging in a comfy chair, while Sherlock himself (Miller) ponders the tiles of the ceiling, surrounded by his collection of books.
Presumably, the pair will have actual work to do when the series premieres this fall, with Holmes taking up work with the New York Police Department, accompanied by his sober living companion Watson. In the meantime, we'll be on hand at Comic-Con 2012 to check out the panel taking place Thursday, July 12 in Ballroom 20 from 4:40 p.m. – 5:45 p.m, and tell you what we've learned about the hotly anticipated series.
Check out the official 'Elementary' image below, and tell us what you think in the comments!
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