Everything You Need to Know About ‘Mad Men’ in 60 Seconds!
Our long national nightmare comes to a close as AMC's Mad Men returns this Sunday for its final episodes, but what if you're too busy drinking, smoking and pitching to catch up with 6.5 seasons of '60s Mad-ness? Let us give you the meeting minutes and tell you all about AMC's Mad Men in just 60 seconds!
It’s the second installment in the ScreenCrush original video series “Everything You Need to Know in 60 Seconds,” where we give fans a quick crash course on any movie, TV show, actor or event in just 60 seconds. That's barely the length of a Sterling-Cooper commercial!
Mad Men will return this Sunday, so check out everything you need to know about 'Mad Men' in 60 seconds, and let us know what you think! Is it great, Bob?