Neil Patrick Harris Debunks ‘Supergirl’ and ‘Flash’ Musical Rumor
Now that The CW’s four-way “Invasion!” crossover is behind us, Flash and Supergirl fans have the two-part musical crossover to look forward to in 2017. Some wild rumors early on suggested Joss Whedon might direct the crossover with Neil Patrick Harris reprising a famous role, but the Unfortunate Events star doesn’t seem to know much of anything about it.
IGN spoke with Harris to ask if the erstwhile Music Meister might reprise his animated Batman: The Brave and the Bold character for the two-part Supergirl and Flash event, though the actor could only acknowledge having heard of the crossover; not participating.
I’ve heard about it, that’s as much as it’s been. I did the Music Meister in a recording booth in L.A. … fifteen years ago, or something? And then it comes out a year later. It was a fun episode! A good thing to do.
If nothing else, rumors of Joss Whedon’s participation had at least reached Harris, though both he and the interviewer doubted their veracity, before Harris offered a final “we’ll see.”. Also worth noting, it was in 2009 that Batman: The Brave and the Bold introduced Harris as the “Music Meister,” not “fifteen years ago” as the actor suggests.
Back in early September, Arrow-verse executive producer Greg Berlanti said they’d only just begun the process of clearing music and drafting original songs, also addressing reports of someone famous like Lin-Manuel Miranda taking part:
[laughs] I would say, pretty close. I can’t say yet because we don’t have a deal yet, but I did speak to someone we’re really excited about. There are some writers I’m incredibly excited to work with.
Our money’s still on Supergirl’s Mr. Mxyzptlk facilitating the musical event more-so than Music Meister, but should Flash and Supergirl still reprise the character, even without Harris? Stay tuned for the latest.
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