James Deen of ‘The Canyons’ and Porn Asked to Star in ‘The Canyons’ Porn
James Deen, the adult film actor who stars in Paul Schrader's 'The Canyons,' has been asked to star in the porn version of 'The Canyons.'
Adult film star James Deen's first mainstream film role is in the upcoming Paul Schrader and Bret Easton Ellis film 'The Canyons,' a film that's been notoriously plagued with troubles ranging from Lindsay Lohan (in total) to film festival rejections due to "quality issues." And seeking to capitalize on a film that's already gained so much notoriety before it's even been released (because bad press is good press or something), Vivid Entertainment CEO Steve Hirsch has decided to make a porn version of 'The Canyons,' and he wants James Deen to play himself.
TMZ posted the letter Hirsch sent to Deen asking him to star in this meta-porn, wherein James Deen will play his 'Canyons' role, only porn-ier. So basically he'll be playing himself pretending to be an actor pretending to be someone in a movie that's pretty much unintentionally a tone-deaf parody of a real movie -- but with lots of graphic sex with a porn star who might look sort of like Lindsay Lohan, and who will probably be easier to insure.
Porn companies usually bank on parodies of overtly popular properties, like television shows, which are guaranteed to be huge hits -- and Deen has starred in several, like the 'Scrubs' and 'Family Guy' porn parodies. Deen has yet to accept the offer, but we can't see why he'd decline. A porn version of a movie about vapid people having sex and screwing each other over? Are we sure Bret Easton Ellis didn't commission this himself?
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