Mighty Ninja Warriors Take Up Weapons in ‘The LEGO Ninjago Movie’ Teaser
Hollywood’s getting in the LEGO business, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. Not that we’d want to, necessarily — The LEGO Movie was a delight, and notices for the newly release The LEGO Batman Movie have been positive. (Our trusty editor-in-chief Matt Singer spoke kindly of the film in his review earlier this week.) But regardless of where you personally stand on the matter, you’re getting more hot LEGO content in the years to come. Production has already begun on the sequel to The LEGO Movie, which should really be called The LEGO Movie Sequel, and today brings a fleeting first look at the fleeting first look at The LEGO Ninjago Movie.
Consider yourself forewarned: this is not the trailer for The LEGO Ninjago Movie, due September 22. This is the trailer for the trailer for The LEGO Ninjago Movie, with the full trailer due to surface tomorrow. In this brief snippet, we see a team of mighty ninja warriors taking up weapons against a mysterious threat descending from the skies. Danger‘s afoot, and only the blocky-headed little LEGO guys and their Jackie Chan-voiced leader can stop it. Are they in? Mostly.
It’s cute, but so slight. When did we all decide that this whole trailer-for-the-trailer rigamarole was something we’d let studios get away with? I’m as guilty as buying into the culture of anticipation as anyone else, but surely we must draw the line somewhere. It’s only a matter of time until we start getting teasers for trailers for trailers, at which point words will have ceased to hold meaning.
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