The brand new theme song for the upcoming science fiction comedy sequel, 'Men in Black 3' starring Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin, has been released. Turn up your speakers and take a listen to the brand new single by the artist Pitbull and see if it's as good as either of Will Smith's themes.

Simply called 'Back in Time,' the new single samples the 1950's song 'Love is Strange,' to a bass heavy beat that somehow manages to find a way to put dubstep into the mix near the end. It's a combination of rap, 50's do-wop, house, hip hop and dubstep all mixed into one. We'll let you be the judge if you wish Will Smith would have done the theme song instead.

Men in Black 3 travels into movie theaters on May 25th in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D.

Check out the new single below.

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