Shia LaBeouf Wears Paper Bag on His Head, Storms Out of ‘Nymphomaniac’ Press Conference
Shia LaBeouf continued his insane public antics this weekend at the German premiere of Lars Von Trier's 'Nymphomaniac,' appearing with a paper bag on his head and refusing to show his face to photographers snapping pictures -- and that's not all. The actor also plagiarized (yet again) part of a speech before storming out of the press conference for the film after the very first question. Guys, Shia really isn't famous anymore -- haven't you heard?
If you've been keeping up, LaBeouf came under fire for plagiarizing his short film 'HowardCantour.com' from a comic by artist and writer Daniel Clowes, and then went on something of a plagiarism spree, releasing apologies cribbed from various public figures and celebrities before declaring repeatedly -- in all caps -- on his Twitter page, "I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE."
But he's still acting, and LaBeouf appears in Von Trier's new film 'Nymphomaniac.' He was on hand at a film fest in Germany to promote the film, but refused to participate like the rest of the cast. When asked about his sex scenes in the film, LaBeouf quoted a French soccer player and responded with, "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much." He subsequently stormed off and followed this performance piece up with a red carpet appearance in which he appeared with a paper bag on his head, touting his "I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE" motto.
Shia -- when will this madness end? Can someone send James Franco over to talk to him or something? You know, Joaquin Phoenix did this way better with 'I'm Still Here.'
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