‘South Park’ Calls Election 2016 for ‘The Very First Gentleman’
The quick turnaround of South Park episodes famously enabled Matt Stone and Trey Parker to address the 2008 election “About Last Night … ,” as well in 2012 basing an episode off Obama’s re-election. Seasons 19 and 20 have gone even deeper into the political process, though the first promo for “The Very First Gentleman” seems to predict the race has come to an end.
Comedy Central released the first promo clip for this week’s “The Very First Gentleman,” which, as the name implies, officially calls the race for the Clintons. Of course, the clip serves to make the win more about Bill Clinton than Hillary, but either way swings decidedly non-Trump.
So reads the official synopsis for “The Very First Gentleman”:
The new administration has plans for Gerald on an all-new episode of South Park titled “The Very First Gentleman” on Wednesday, November 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.
PC Principal tries one more time to make peace between the boys and the girls. Meanwhile, Gerald comes face-to-face with the Troll Hunter.
Of course, there’s every possibility a different result on Election Night could make “The Very First Gentleman” a rare miss for South Park (or at least require a partial re-work), but check out the clip above, and let’s hope for a few laughs, come Wednesday.
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