28 Days Later is famous for those incredible shots of an abandoned London, as one of the last surviving uninfected men in the city, played by Cillian Murphy, wanders around in a daze. To achieve these scenes, director Danny Boyle worked with the police to close off small stretches of streets and roads for about an hour at a time. The shot of Murphy wandering past a demolished double-decker bus was accomplished in just 20 minutes. That’s just one of the amazing facts featured in the newest episode of You Think You Know Movies!
Boyle teased the possibility of yet another sequel to his breakout zombie hit 28 Days Later, to follow 28 Weeks Later. It would, naturally, be titled 28 Months Later, though if Boyle’s really trying to work his way through discrete measurements of time, the next one should technically be 28 Fortnights Later.