Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler Sang Some Really Filthy Songs in the NYC Subway
Adam Sandler Sang Some Really Filthy Songs in the NYC Subway
Adam Sandler Sang Some Really Filthy Songs in the NYC Subway
Today’s youth (and some adults — ugh, we’re so old) probably know Adam Sandler best from movies like Grown-Ups and his more recent Netflix releases. But some say they’ve heard whispers of a before time, when Adam Sandler was on SNL, and when he starred in movies that people really liked and that were actually released in theaters…they’ve even heard rumors that the ol’ Sandman once released comedic albums on mythical relics known as “cassette tapes” and “compact discs.” Children, everything you’ve heard is true.
Get a Look at the Next Great Adam Sandler Performance in ‘The Meyerowitz Stories’ Trailer
Get a Look at the Next Great Adam Sandler Performance in ‘The Meyerowitz Stories’ Trailer
Get a Look at the Next Great Adam Sandler Performance in ‘The Meyerowitz Stories’ Trailer
We’re all a little bit embarrassed by our parents, especially the parental types who don’t seem to give a hoot about what anyone else thinks of them. That’s pretty much Dustin Hoffman’s Harold Meyerowitz in Noah Baumbach’s latest film, a famed modern artist who complains about overpriced steak and drinks from a stranger’s wine glass at the table next to him...
Ben Stiller Punches Adam Sandler in ‘The Meyerowitz Stories’ Trailer
Ben Stiller Punches Adam Sandler in ‘The Meyerowitz Stories’ Trailer
Ben Stiller Punches Adam Sandler in ‘The Meyerowitz Stories’ Trailer
We live in a world where we get one good Adam Sandler performance for every dumpster truckload of bad Adam Sandler movies. Netflix may be shoveling Sandler original movies at us like coals into a fire – and hey, you’re to blame, America – but they’re also behind the latest Noah Baumbach movie which allegedly features the best Sandler performance since his surprisingly poignant turn in Punch Drunk Love.
Steve Buscemi Joins Adam Sandler’s Comedy ‘The Night Of’
Steve Buscemi Joins Adam Sandler’s Comedy ‘The Night Of’
Steve Buscemi Joins Adam Sandler’s Comedy ‘The Night Of’
The next time you scroll through the Netflix menu and skip over an Adam Sandler comedy, just know that you’re not exactly in the majority there. You’ll probably remember Netflix’s numbers from earlier this year suggesting that their viewers have spent more than 500 million hours watching Sandler comedies, meaning that the average user has watched 2.86 of his movies on Netflix alone. We can argue about the merits of Sandler as a filmmaker or Netflix as a distribution model, but when it comes the marriage of Sandler and Netflix, the results are hard to deny. There’s oil in them-there sophomoric jokes.

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