
‘Transformers’ Scribe Christina Hodson Writing New DC Movie
‘Transformers’ Scribe Christina Hodson Writing New DC Movie
‘Transformers’ Scribe Christina Hodson Writing New DC Movie
It looks like Paramount’s writers’ room approach is paying off for the Transformers franchise as the studio has reportedly landed on a script for their Bumblebee spinoff. The concept and screenplay are credited to Christina Hodson, a former development exec who transitioned to screenwriting four years ago — since then, three of her scripts have landed on the Black List and her resumé has quickly expanded, and now apparently includes an upcoming DC movie universe project.
‘Transformers’ May Spin Off Bumblebee Into His Own Solo Movie
‘Transformers’ May Spin Off Bumblebee Into His Own Solo Movie
‘Transformers’ May Spin Off Bumblebee Into His Own Solo Movie
The Transformers franchise has grossed more than $3.7 billion worldwide. So you and I and all rational thinking people might think they’re terrible, but from a financial perspective, they’re definitely working. But you know that old expression in Hollywood: If it ain’t broke, break it into its component parts, and then turn each of those component parts into its own spinoff franchise to maximize revenue. I think Thomas Edison is the first guy who said that one.