The streaming giant tried to compete with the Hollywood studios, hiring the team from ‘Suicide Squad’ to make a big action thriller about humans and orcs. It stinks.
Bright is essentially Training Day, if Training Day had been written by a time-traveling Holly Black who knew about 2017’s disparate Black Lives/Blue Lives Matter movements.
Hmm…How best to describe David Ayer’s Bright…Well, in the words of the filmmaker himself, this is “really the story of a friendship.” As co-star Noomi Rapace describes it, “It’s L.A. Right now. It just happens to be orcs and elves.” If you’re confused by that, you’re not alone. But this new featurette does its damnedest to lay it out for you: This is a story about racial tensions (but with orcs and elves), a classic buddy cop flick (but with orcs and elves), and a police thriller (you know, with orcs and elves).
With a flurry of DCEU announcements this past week — we’re getting two more Joker movies with two separate Jokers! The Batman isn’t going to be one big crossover affair! — the writing seems to be increasingly on the wall for some of the second-tier Warner Bros. projects. Projects like Gotham City Sirens, the woman-driven comic book movie featuring popular characters Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman. Gotham City Sirens was noticeably absent from Comic-Con this year, and while alleged director David Ayer recently took to Twitter to reassure everyone of his involvement, things have been quiet. A little too quiet, maybe.