The British Film Institute’s official publication brings a global perspective to their rulings, having polled 168 critics worldwide on their favorite releases of the past calendar year.
Joaquin Phoenix knows a pullout couch when he sees one -- even if its own owner isn't aware of its convenient (and comfy!) extras. On last night's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live,' guest Joaquin Phoenix somehow hit upon the idea that he and host Jimmy Kimmel should pop into bed to close out the show. Where do ideas come from? What day is it? Where will someone find a bed on the stage of a late night talk show?
‘Inherent Vice’ doesn’t open in wide release until next Friday, so if Paul Thomas Anderson’s latest opus hasn’t appeared at a theater near you yet, you can pass a little of the time waiting for it with this scene breakdown by PTA himself, originally from The New York Times.
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: No one likes putting together a Top 10 list. Oh, don’t get me wrong; it’s fun at a party if someone asks you, “What were your favorite movies this year?” and you can just rattle off a list of titles in no particular order, not overly concerned if you accidentally left something off. But this list is formal. Published on the Internet. This will be my legacy. And that’s not something to take lightly.
It’s a weird thing, I can already tell that ‘Inherent Vice’ will grow on me after time. I can already tell I like it better as I type this than I did while watching it. People will compare ‘Inherent Vice’ to the Coen brothers’ 1998 movie ‘The Big Lebowski’ and that’s totally fair because I’m going to do just that right now. Both films feature protagonists – with an affinity for marijuana use – who experience a remarkable adventure while searching for something that doesn’t matter. Sixteen years later, Mickey Woolfman means about as much as the money for a urine-soaked rug. It matters to the character but it never really matters much to us and, in both of these cases, we wind up being right.
Among all of the films hitting theaters this holiday season, Paul Thomas Anderson’s ‘Inherent Vice’ is one gloriously odd duck, a gift from Anderson to ensure that those of us who venture out to take in a movie around Christmas will have a more … eccentric option. The latest trailer is titled “Paranoia” and continues to keep the momentum kooky and laid back—that’s not just the editing of the trailer, either: ‘Inherent Vice’ is a more relaxed film than Anderson’s previous efforts, drifting along like the smoke curling up from Joaquin Phoenix’s joint.
Paul Thomas Anderson’s new movie, ‘Inherent Vice,’ opens this Friday. Thinking about PTA’s latest opus got us thinking about the rest of his filmography—which got us quoting from PTA’s filmography, which got us wondering: What are the best lines of dialogue from Paul Thomas Anderson’s filmography? It was a question that could only be solved one way: With a list! Using ScreenCrush’s highly scientific method (i.e. we picked the ones we liked best), and illustrated with conclusive evidence (i.e. YouTube videos), here is the definitive list of Anderson’s 30 best lines: (And keep in mind, some of this language is on the salty, NSFW side.)
Often, particularly colorful characters take to the various late shows to flex the full range of their unique spirit, just for funsies. Joaquin Phoenix looked to be going down that precise path on last night's 'Late Show,' actively imitating himself learning yoga, calling his more personal bits "Julio Igelasias," and just generally having a good time. Host David Letterman looked nervous, but Phoenix looked relaxed, and that might be why Phoenix's good-time appearance took a serious turn when the 'Inherent Vice' star announced his engagement on air.
Trailers are a huge part of the fabric of movies. They play before every film shown in theaters, and on every movie website around the world. They’re commercials, obviously, but they’re also more than that; miniature works of art that utilize the core elements of cinema—image, sound, music, action, editing—at their most pure and refined. And today at ScreenCrush we’re celebrating movie trailers by saluting the best sneak previews of 2014.
People love watching famous people accept trophies. So, every so often, The Huffington Post’s Chris Rosen and ScreenCrush’s Mike Ryan will speculate about these trophies and which famous person might win one. It will be fun. Let’s talk some trophies! Today, we discuss the prospects of Michael Keaton and Edward Norton in 'Birdman' and Paul Thomas Anderson's 'Inherent Vice,' which both screened at the New York Film Festival.