Mad Max

Watch the Trailer for China’s Bonkers ‘Fury Road’ Rip-Off
Watch the Trailer for China’s Bonkers ‘Fury Road’ Rip-Off
Watch the Trailer for China’s Bonkers ‘Fury Road’ Rip-Off
What you are watching above is the trailer for Mad Sheila, a new Chinese film that is a blatant and very bonkers ripoff of Mad Max: Fury Road. Unfortunately, we have no idea when or if this delightful film is coming to America, but I’m going to go ahead and put forth the wild suggestion that you could very well find Mad Sheila lurking on a major city street sidewalk sometime in the near future, if you know what I mean.
Top 5 People Walking Away From Explosions
Top 5 People Walking Away From Explosions
Top 5 People Walking Away From Explosions
In the tradition of ScreenCrush series like You Think You Know Movies and You Think You Know TV comes a new YouTube series: Top Five! Every two weeks (or so; we’ve got a lot of other stuff going on), ScreenCrush editor and critic Matt Singer will count down a particular topic from the world of movies (and probably write these introductory posts in the third person).
Yes, George Miller Is Still Planning ‘Mad Max’ Sequels
Yes, George Miller Is Still Planning ‘Mad Max’ Sequels
Yes, George Miller Is Still Planning ‘Mad Max’ Sequels
Earlier this week, George Miller was quoted as saying that he was done with the Mad Max franchise, which came as a shock to many, especially since Miller has done nothing but talk up Mad Max sequels since before Fury Road even hit theaters. But as several suspected, Page Six had their story wrong, which just goes to show that you should always take their reports with a GIANT boulder of salt.
Furiosa May Not Appear in Future ‘Mad Max’ Sequels
Furiosa May Not Appear in Future ‘Mad Max’ Sequels
Furiosa May Not Appear in Future ‘Mad Max’ Sequels
A new interview with the madman behind Mad Max, George Miller, has revealed a few surprising insights for the slew of upcoming sequels that the success of Fury Road rendered all but inevitable. Most notable among them, the bespectacled Miller stated that he was “not sure” that Furiosa would reappear in any Mad Maxes to come
George Miller Isn’t Directing ‘Man of Steel 2’
George Miller Isn’t Directing ‘Man of Steel 2’
George Miller Isn’t Directing ‘Man of Steel 2’
About a month ago a rumor was circulating that Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller was in talks to helm Man of Steel 2. Then came the rumors that the sequel was placed on indefinite hold (or not?), but that Miller was still in talks with WB to take on another DC superhero project. Miller himself has finally responded to those rumors and gives us a hint about what he’s planning to do next.

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