Didn’t Jackie Chan retire from action movies? Did I dream that? Google seems to back me up; about five years ago, Chan said he was done with the action films that made him an international superstar. A year later, though, Chan said he wasn’t retired, and four years after that he’s continued to appear in various martial-arts and action projects. And now here’s The Foreigner, with Chan cast as a guy who regularly flips dudes through tables.
Adapting the works of essential American novelist Ernst Hemingway is no slight task; his spartan prose and deep undercurrent of melancholy demands a light directorial touch and a sensitivity from the actors giving life to his carefully selected words...
It's been some time since we've gotten an update on 'G.I. Joe 3,' but don't worry—Paramount hasn't forgotten the third installment in the franchise. Although 'Retaliation' director Jon M. Chu has redirected his attention toward dance films, the third 'Joe' film already has a screenplay and has been searching for Chu's replacement. A new report suggests that Paramount's top choice is Martin Campbell, best known for directing the James Bond flick 'Casino Royale' and 'Green Lantern.'
James Cameron can make any movie he wants. That's what happens when you direct 'Titanic,' set the box office record for highest grossing film of all time (unadjusted), and then best that record with 'Avatar' - your very next film. Cameron wanted to direct 'The Dive' but his attentions have gone elsewhere, and now 20th Century Fox has attached Martin Campbell, according to Deadline Hollywood.