Alien: Covenant

Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created in ALIEN with ALIEN: COVENANT, the second chapter in a prequel trilogy that began with PROMETHEUS – and connects directly to Scott’s 1979 seminal work of science fiction. Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world – whose sole inhabitant is the “synthetic” David (Michael Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

  • Release Date: May 19, 2017
  • Director: Ridley Scott
  • Written By: John Logan, Dante Harper


  • Cast: Michael Fassbender
Which Is Better: ‘Alien’ or ‘Aliens’?
Which Is Better: ‘Alien’ or ‘Aliens’?
Which Is Better: ‘Alien’ or ‘Aliens’?
A new Alien opens in theaters this Friday; Alien: Covenant is the first movie in the beloved sci-fi franchise since 2012’s Prometheus, and the first with the word “alien” in the title since 2007’s timeless classic Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. Audiences will decide whether Covenant is a worthy sequel (we liked it), but even if they do, the overwhelming odds are they will find it no better than the third best movie in the history of the series. That’s because the first two movies in the series — Ridley Scott’s Alien and James Cameron’s Aliens — are amongst the best sci-fi films ever made.
Michael Fassbender, Seth Rogen Fan, Would Love to Do Comedy
Michael Fassbender, Seth Rogen Fan, Would Love to Do Comedy
Michael Fassbender, Seth Rogen Fan, Would Love to Do Comedy
Michael Fassbender is about to grace our silver screens once again in Alien: Covenant, playing an android named Walter, a synthetic engineered to assist spacefaring humans on their long journeys to distant planets. He’s established himself as a great dramatic/genre actor, even becoming a cornerstone of the X-Men franchise. But there’s one kind of movie he has yet to dip a toe into, though he}d very much like to. Yes, folks, Michael Fassbender wants to get into comedy.
‘Alien: Covenant’ Clip: Demian Bichir Gets a (Face) Hug
‘Alien: Covenant’ Clip: Demian Bichir Gets a (Face) Hug
‘Alien: Covenant’ Clip: Demian Bichir Gets a (Face) Hug
They’re not called face-huggers for nothin’. That’s a lesson Demian Bichir learns the hard way in the latest clip from Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant, which introduces a whole new unlucky crew of space-travelers who swiftly become a bloody buffet for the iconic xenomorphs and their various mutations. Judging by all the clips and trailers we’ve seen so far, it doesn’t look like most of these people are making it off that planet alive, but it wouldn’t be an Alien movie if almost everyone wasn’t gruesomely murdered by a xenomorph.
Ridley Scott Back Tracks On How Many ‘Alien: Covenant’ Sequels He’ll Do
Ridley Scott Back Tracks On How Many ‘Alien: Covenant’ Sequels He’ll Do
Ridley Scott Back Tracks On How Many ‘Alien: Covenant’ Sequels He’ll Do
When someone says they’re going to keep doing something until they die, they’re usually being figurative. But it would seem that Ridley Scott, now at age 79, fully intends on making the Alien franchise into his tomb. It’s impressive enough that he’s forged the most gore-heavy entry this deep into both the series and his own career, but Scott’s not losing his edge any time soon. In a new interview with Yahoo, Scott spoke about the future of the Alien movies, and you might wanna put on some shades, because the future’s looking real bright.
‘Alien: Covenant’ Review: God-Level Fassbender Saves Uneven Sequel
‘Alien: Covenant’ Review: God-Level Fassbender Saves Uneven Sequel
‘Alien: Covenant’ Review: God-Level Fassbender Saves Uneven Sequel
The title of Alien: Covenant directly refers to the spaceship carrying the film’s human characters, and indirectly refers to the film’s most pervasive theme: The tense relationship between gods and their creations. Students of the Old Testament learn about God’s covenant with Abraham, which promised the prophet the land of Israel in exchange for, among other things, his male descendants’ foreskin. Some gods work in mysterious ways; the ones in Alien: Covenant certainly do.
Ridley Scott Says ‘Alien’ Sequel to Start Filming Very Soon
Ridley Scott Says ‘Alien’ Sequel to Start Filming Very Soon
Ridley Scott Says ‘Alien’ Sequel to Start Filming Very Soon
Alien: Covenant hasn’t even hit theaters yet, but that doesn’t mean that Ridley Scott can rest on his laurels just yet. With Prometheus, he expanded the Alien universe, and with Covenant he’s poised to expand it some more. That leaves plenty of room for his prospective slate of future Alien films, starting with his Covenant follow-up, which is currently untitled, but will be ready to film in a little more than a year.
Early ‘Alien: Covenant’ Reviews Are Chest-Bursting Out
Early ‘Alien: Covenant’ Reviews Are Chest-Bursting Out
Early ‘Alien: Covenant’ Reviews Are Chest-Bursting Out
If you’re one of the people who thought that Ridley Scott’s Prometheus was a franchise-killer, then you’ve probably awaited the first round of Alien: Covenant reviews with a strong sense of dread. Maybe even the same degree of dread you experienced while watching Alien for the first time, come to think of it. And while I’ll passionately defend Prometheus for days  —  I’ve recently come around on that film in a big way  —  there’s no denying that Alien: Covenant is the biggest question mark of the summer. Could Scott build a bridge between the grandiose science-fiction of Prometheus and the grounded horror of Alien?
‘Alien: Covenant’ Clip: The Spineburster Says Hello
‘Alien: Covenant’ Clip: The Spineburster Says Hello
‘Alien: Covenant’ Clip: The Spineburster Says Hello
Alien: Covenant is arriving soon, whether we’re ready for it or not, and a short new clip assures us that this movie is definitely more horror than sci-fi. Even these thirty seconds are enough to make one feel antsy, and the final sound effect is enough to send a million chills down the spine. The Xenomorphs are back, baby!

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